Discovering that your building has an infestation is incredibly stressful. Businesses have a duty of care for the people who use their space and effective pest control is critical in maintaining standards of health and safety.
Bee Services has developed a comprehensive package of facilities management solutions and have an experienced partner charged with providing our customers with quality pest control. They are on hand to assess the situation and provide guidance on the most appropriate solution.
Be it mice, wasps or cockroaches, pests can cause considerable disruption. Whether you are trying to protect office staff, diners in your restaurant, or pupils in your school, it is imperative that the issue is dealt with quickly and effectively. Failing to do so not only has health and safety implications but could lead to significant reputational damage.
It is important that interventions are appropriate and proportionate. Our control programme is delivered in line with British Pest Control Association best practice. In line with our ESG credentials, we ensure that wherever possible pests are removed and relocated, and extermination is always treated as a last resort.